What to Expect...
Be prepared for something different! When you first arrive at The Spine Worx, you may not even believe you've come to a clinic. We may not be "traditional," but we promise, it's the "right place" to be!
On your first visit, you'll fill out papers in the large and unique reception room. When you've finished, we'll review the information, and then we will sit down with you to discuss it. Next, we'll then do some traditional evaluation (reflexes, movement, etc.), as well as some high-tech evaluation procedures
that will help us identify your problem, such as:
- Paraspinal Infrared Scanning — To evaluate the part of the nervous system that coordinates internal organ function and general physiology. It's painless, quick, and provides a lot of useful information.
- Biostructural Analysis — To look at the mechanical loads from head to toe. This helps us figure out a starting point and develop exercise and rehab protocols.
- X-Rays — So we can see what's going on with the framework inside.
Making a new patient appointment:
The new patient calendar link is only for the new chiropractic patient
(or; you have not visited in the past 5 years*)
- A reservation deposit is required to secure your spot for a new patient time slot
- Reservation deposits are non-refundable
- Additional fees may be added for services performed day of visit, see price list below
- Read our FAQ's before scheduling
*Do not use the button above if you are an established chiropractic patient that has been in the office in the last 5 years or other scheduled appointments, including:
New Patient Appointment Reservation (non-refundable) $52.00
New Patient Exam $52 (reservation payment is applied to the exam fee)
X-rays $30.00 per view
Adjustment $20
Acupuncture $20
Traction $10
Exercise and Massage are based on time spent ($19 for each $15 min)
Durable Medical Equipment varies
Supplements available and priced at a discount for patients
Shockwave $82 per area
Class IV Laser $35 per area